three books that are kind of disgusting—but funny (!) and a little bit complex

three books that are kind of disgusting—but funny (!) and a little bit complex

Ages 2 - 12

I once entertained a group of four teenage boys for close to an hour just by passing out these three books. Unfortunately, it was in a church meeting and the sniggering (and occasional outbursts of laughter) were not entirely appropriate!

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Stellaluna: delighting in the extraordinary brings confidence and happiness

Stellaluna: delighting in the extraordinary brings confidence and happiness

Ages 2 to 8

This is a must-read book - it speaks to the anxiety of being separated from family, the strangeness of new worlds, reconciliation with those new worlds, a return to family and familiarity and being able to move between two worlds without betraying either and without loss of love or friendship. It's a book to have, sitting on the shelf, to provide reassurance and peace at the end of a long day.

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Those Shoes: gentle wisdom that works out very nicely

Those Shoes: gentle wisdom that works out very nicely

Ages 4 to 12

Jeremy needs a new pair of shoes and desperately wants those shoes - the ones all the kids want. But Grandma says:

‘There's no room for 'want' around here, just 'need', and what you need are new boots for winter.’

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There’s a House inside my Mummy: A sweet and comforting story in preparation for welcoming a new baby

There’s a House inside my Mummy: A sweet and comforting story in preparation for welcoming a new baby

Ages 1 to 6

A sweet and comforting book that covers the basics like the baby sleeping in a ‘bath’, why Mummy’s tummy grows and why Mummy is so tired. The concepts are simple enough for very young kids and are a great conversation starter for older kids who have lots of questions.

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When Pigasso Met Mootisse: a colourful and witty take on conflict resolution!

When Pigasso Met Mootisse: a colourful and witty take on conflict resolution!

Ages 2 to 10

This book pretty much requires young readers to pick a side. It’s a fabulous, fun introduction to the art of the real Picasso and Matisse—lots of brilliant illustrations and funny lines.

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