about exemplary women and men

about exemplary women and men

ages 4 to 12 years
I confess that I'm not a big fan of the whole hero culture that we seem to have going. Too often the ‘heroes’ aren’t heroic and are anything but role model material. But Peaceful Heroes is a collection of super-short biographies of people who have impacted the world positively and peacefully. 

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everything is relative!

everything is relative!

ages newborn to 8 years, but adults and teens will get a kick out of it too
Theodore Roosevelt apparently said that 'comparison is the thief of joy' and that's almost always true. But in this great-fun story, comparison is the key to all sorts of funny and joyful moments. Great lessons wrapped up in a hilarious and fast moving story.

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a harrowing, important, triumphant and inspiring story

a harrowing, important, triumphant and inspiring story

One of the great things about picture books is their ability to help us feel the history as well as know the history, but they can do it in a way that leaves us with a sense of beauty and hope. Half Spoon of Rice does this brilliantly.
ages 10 years and up

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sharing talents may be our primary contribution to our community

sharing talents may be our primary contribution to our community

Set in France. This is a wonderfully crafted story that is full of love, joy and humour, just a little tension, and a triumphant ending. A charming French mouse does all he can to care for his family and to help the hands that feed him - even when he is met with scorn.
ages 1 to 9 years

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science, friendship and a great idea for night-time adventure

science, friendship and a great idea for night-time adventure

ages toddler up to 7 or 8 years old
Ollie is the kind of kid who keeps on trying, who is determined and still thoughtful. He’s the kind of kid who other kids will be able to relate to. And he has the kind of experiences that many kids will be able to remember from their own lives. But Ollie is trying to work out the wind and when he figures out that the wind just wants to play, he takes a whole new approach. 

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