5 books that comfort and prepare for a move away from much-loved people and places

5 books that comfort and prepare for a move away from much-loved people and places

ages 3 to around 8 years
Change in any form can be hard (not just for children!) but moving to somewhere new and leaving people you love can be particularly difficult for little ones. Our move to Tasmania is happening next week...

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putting a name to emotions and feelings

putting a name to emotions and feelings

ages 0 to 8 years

Childhood is a wondrous and joyful time. Everything is magical and full of wonder. But it's easy to forget that childhood is also intense!

Those small bodies can experience such BIG emotions. Learning to understand, process and communicate emotions is a difficult process.

A book that's been incredibly helpful in our home recently is In My Heart: A Book Of Feelings.

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integrity, kindness and creativity can change the world

integrity, kindness and creativity can change the world

ages baby to 8 years
I lent this book to my children’s school and it disappeared for a week or two. I shouldn’t have worried – it came back to me with a new plastic cover, making it one of our most carefully preserved books! Here's how it goes:

Annabelle lives in a cold and colourless little town, but one day she finds a box of yarn of all sorts of colours. So she knits herself a sweater. Then, since there is ‘extra yarn’, she knits her dog a sweater.

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overcoming embarrassment and failure through courage and embracing your own talents

overcoming embarrassment and failure through courage and embracing your own talents

Funny, inspiring story of Caramba, a cat who can't fly in a world where all cats can fly. There's heartache along the way but with the support of a good friend Caramba finds just the right niche - there's a place for everyone after all.
ages 0 to 8 years

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the wonder and blessings of a meaningful life enhanced by literacy

the wonder and blessings of a meaningful life enhanced by literacy

ages 4 to 8 years
Set in Egypt, this is an ever so slightly suspenseful book to read aloud and it's then so very peaceful in its resolution. Ahmed has a secret—and it’s a good one! I love this book and can hardly count the number of times I've given it as a gift.

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a real-life story about the value of work and philanthropy

a real-life story about the value of work and philanthropy

Set in Ghana. Years ago, when Max was eight, we had a conversation that went something like this:
Max:  So Mum what is the solution to the people in Africa who only have one bag of grain a month to eat. One Hen goes a long way towards answering that question.
ages 4 to 12 years

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hearing our own thoughts can lead to greatness!

hearing our own thoughts can lead to greatness!

all ages, baby to grownup
It's a pretty great book that can make you laugh out loud and still leave you with some deeper thoughts to ponder on. I AM HENRY FINCH is just that sort of book. Henry Finch follows the everyday flow of life until ... he doesn't. And that makes all the difference.

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