intergenerational love and the Orcas of Canada - a tale to prompt one's own family storytelling

intergenerational love and the Orcas of Canada - a tale to prompt one's own family storytelling

Set in Canada, Waiting for the Whales makes a really nice stepping stone to family storytelling. It’s about a grandfather living a simple life of gardening and watching the seasons. It's a picture book to prompt one's own family stories – leading easily to thoughts, memories and 'after' conversations.
ages 4 to 12 years

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a graphic portrayal of what it is to feel alone, and what it is to heal

a graphic portrayal of what it is to feel alone, and what it is to heal

A poignant look at living with the demons of anxiety and profound unhappiness. Small things lead to the demons that beset a young man, and small things lead to overcoming them. A lovely meditation on the impact small things can have.
ages 10 years to adult

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an exploration of what it means to be a friend—for good or ill

an exploration of what it means to be a friend—for good or ill

ages 4 to 12 years
Friendships are seldom perfect, especially when the friends are new to forming and maintaining relationships outside their immediate family. Purdy (the cat) and Barker (the dog) have a solid but anguished sort of friendship. It’s the sort of friendship that will be instantly recognisable to many kids and their parents (or teachers)...

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one book each—2 books that help us know and feel what it is to be a refugee

one book each—2 books that help us know and feel what it is to be a refugee

One book each (adult and child) to help us know and feel what it is to be a refugee: certain that there was no choice but to leave, yet living a life devoid of sureness. Both are beautiful to look at, both tell personal stories respectfully and without compromise.

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