8 delightful picture books from our 'community' category

In case you missed them - or perhaps to remind you of something you loved - here's a small revisit to our 'community' category: 

1. I Am Henry Finch  - sometimes, for a community to stretch a little, it needs a bit of shaking up.

2. The Kites Are Flying! - communities can be built on something as complex as a shared dream.

3. Bring Me Some Apples and I’ll Make You a Pie - producing food is a communal activity even when we are removed from the other members of that community.

 4. At the Same Moment Around the World - we’re all part of a world-wide community and our connections are infinitely greater than our differences.

5. My Place - community is not always about timing, sometimes it’s about places that connect us.

6. Space Travellers - life circumstances can help us to form communities that result in abiding friendships.

7. The Gardener - communities are built by people who follow their passion and care for those they meet.

8. Mr Nick’s Knitting - friends who knit together strengthen each other through difficult moments.

Community is such a gift, it's about valuing other people – their lives, their dreams, their values. It’s about how an individual can build a sense of belonging for themselves and others. 

It can be large and sprawling or small and intimate. Two friends who discuss the day's events make their own little community and when they separate they take the joys of that little community into the next community. And so life continues....

There's more in our 'community' category.

Image from 'My Place'.