Mark & Rowan Sommerset: It's not a book, but it's something we made!

[a place] where a couple of Children’s Book makers, a small boy and a cat have spent their time dreaming and creating these past years ...

We’ve long been fans of the the uber-talented, uber-funny, author/illustrator duo Mark and Rowan Sommerset so, when the email came to say they’re selling their home, I immediately checked it out. Well, my oh my! Their publishing arm is worthily called Dreamboat Books and their house is all of that. I couldn’t wait to share it with you! Video below, but first click here for a gorgeous slide show (there’s a luxury yurt!)

And here are the Sommerset books that have had all of our kids rolling with laughter - click the images for their posts.

Have you read them? They’re hilarious, optimistic and the perfect little bit embarrassing for kids.